Damaged Goods

by marycathleenclark53


hear ye, hear ye,
what will ye give
for this thing its master
deemed not fit to live

hear ye, hear ye
what will ye proffer
for this bundle of warm flesh
come, reach deep in thy coffer

hear ye, hear ye,
what will ye pay
for this cast-off chattel
put before you this day

hear ye, hear ye
what will ye render
for this cowed commodity
guaranteed to not engender

hear ye, hear ye
what will ye dole out
for this humbled, broken spirit
for your pleasure, ye can lash, ye can clout

hear ye, hear ye
no takers I see
aye, the goods be damaged
but a spark of life yet remains in she

hear ye, hear ye
a pittance will convey
a gutted candle thee may snuff out
ah, yon gentleman, I see thee hand be raised

Photo: Pixabay

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