A National Chocolate Day Limerick

by Joel Kravitz

National Chocolate Day

Today is National Chocolate Day. “A food that encourages passion, many people would consider chocolate to be a gift to the world. Whether eaten in the form of a chocolate bar, enjoyed as a chocolate beverage or used to bake a variety of desserts, chocolate has a rich history and a bright future!”

I have written many limericks about things made with chocolate – chocolate eclairs, milk chocolate, s’mores, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cupcakes and Boston Cream Pie. This one is for Chocolate, something we can’t seem to live without.

It’s made from roasted cacao seeds.
And for millenniums it’s been serving our needs.
The main ingredient in many sweets,
Pleasure’s derived from chocolate treats
And it’s essential to romantic deeds.

Here are the links to my other “chocolate” limericks

A Boston Cream Pie Day Limerick

One Comment to “A National Chocolate Day Limerick”

  1. I enjoyed that nearly as much as I enjoy chocolate.

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