A National Superman Day Limerick

by The Limerick Guy

 Superman appearing on a variant cover of Action Comics #1000 (April 2018)
Art by Jason Fabok – Wikipedia

Superman Day is celebrated on June 12 every year. The day is meant to celebrate the iconic Kryptonian and the nearly 90 years of storylines he’s been a part of. Born Kal-El on the dying planet of Krypton, Superman was first penned onto the pages of a comic book in 1933 by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. His character slowly evolved, and first appeared as the character we know him to be on April 18, 1938, in “Action Comics #1.” – National Today

To comic book lovers, this isn’t news.
Superman was created by two Cleveland Jews.
A superhero who would
Use his superpowers for good…
He’s someone today’s world could use

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