A Sad Truth About Politics Limerick

by The Limerick Guy

politics Mark Twain

I stopped writing political limericks some time ago. Just too controversial and too many nut jobs out there who might show up at my door out of nowhere. Yes, it is THAT CRAZY out there. The American political environment with its polarized, marginalized, and radicalized elements is a dangerous place. I am keeping my opinions about that to myself. However, when I saw this meme, I was inspired by the truth of Mark Twain’s observation and when my thoughts and the words that came to me followed in the form of a limerick, I thought it was something worth sharing.

If the worst of it would only be it’s “respected!”
In my life, I would have never expected –
It’s worse than anything I’ve feared –
Those things are “revered”…
Our society is horribly infected!

One Comment to “A Sad Truth About Politics Limerick”

  1. Sadly, everything you say is true. We live in a world full of hate and fear.

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