A National Cancer Survivor’s Day Limerick

by The Limerick Guy

For Jem Croucher – Thinking of you. We miss your beautiful words.

Right now, I’m still cancer surviving. Diagnosed with something with bad outcomes, I have been one very lucky person. A year out from my original diagnosis, surgery, radiation, and chemo and then four months stable, scans came back showing significant metastasis. I underwent immunotherapy which produced miraculous results against the cancer but had the terribly debilitating side effect of neuropathy, which is very slowly improving. It has changed my life and taken away things that were a part of my active lifestyle. Make no mistake, I am grateful to be alive and dealing with the neuropathy. I wouldn’t be without the incredible love and support of my wife who would not allow me to fall into the abyss of despair the times when I was teetering on the edge.

I am not one to give unsolicited advise, but I hope these words will provide some inspiration to those who are struggling.

Attitude’s key to cancer surviving.
Every cancer patient needs to be striving
To “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up,”
And see Life as a half full cup…
It can take you from surviving to thriving

4 Comments to “A National Cancer Survivor’s Day Limerick”

  1. Attitude can take you from surviving to thriving. Yes! Thank you for reaching out to encourage others!!

  2. A wonderful testament and offering! Blessings! 🩷

  3. Thank you for sending encouragement to those going through this illness. I am 10 years out from being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Life has changed for sure but worth every additional day granted.

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