Poetry challenge: Tanka poem.

by Harry

The Tanka poem is very similar to haiku but Tanka poems have more syllables and it uses simile, metaphor and personification.

There are five lines in a Tanka poem.

Line one 5 syllables

Line two 7 syllables

Line three 5 syllables

Line four 7 syllables

Line five 7 syllables

Tanks poems are written about nature, seasons, love, sadness and other strong emotions. 





15 Responses to “Poetry challenge: Tanka poem.”

  1. Reblogged this on fantasyfed.com and commented:
    Never heard of a tanka before, but tanka you for showing me what it is! 🙂 I will give it a try soon…

  2. Done and done! I love tankas! I’ll have to play around with a few more later this weekend.

  3. Cool! This should be interesting!

  4. Harry, I followed the link that you gave in one of the previous comments and just sent the one of my tries. I am not sure if that was a right way to respond to the challenge.

  5. Reblogged this on SandraBranum's Blog and commented:
    Here’s another way to test your writing expertise. Enjoy…


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