A National Egg Roll Day Limerick

by The Limerick Guy

egg roll day

Today is National Egg Roll Day. Another day, another foodie day. As kids, when we were introduced to Chinese food, something different and exotic, there might have a reluctance to try it. The egg roll, served with the sweet orange sauce and tangy mustard, enticed us with its deep fried deliciousness and got us to try it and like it. For life.

As an appetizer, Egg Rolls can’t be beat.
As a kid, I thought they were a treat.
When a meal begins
With stuffed deep-fried dough skins…
Chinese became something I that love to eat.

One Comment to “A National Egg Roll Day Limerick”

  1. I love it you inspired me to write one of my own which I’ll post later

    Egg Rolls
    Egg rolls are the very best
    A better appetizer than the rest.

    Eat them without pause
    In sweet and sour sauce.

    Just don’t spill a glop on your chest…
    -AAA 06/10/2024

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