A Couple Of National Drive-In Movie Day Limericks

by The Limerick Guy

For Baby Boomers, this was a big part of our childhoods and our “coming” of age adolescence.

Part of “fun family night” repertoires
Was when families would pile in their cars
Kids in their pj’s –
Oh those were the days –
The concession stand ads were the real stars

And then later….

You knew your date night would be replete
When your date climbed in the back seat
Here’s what I’m saying –
It didn’t matter what was playing…
Date Night at the Drive-In was sweet.

4 Comments to “A Couple Of National Drive-In Movie Day Limericks”

  1. I don’t know anyone with a car. But we do have a walk-in, outdoor theater in the park here in Bishkek.

  2. I remember some of us hid in the boot to get in free.

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