by thereluctantpoet

By Charles Robert Lindholm

A Narcissistic

Maniac Who Doesn’t Care

How Or Who He Hurts

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  1. How true this is, dear Chuck. Sadly, my young grandchildren’s granny on their mother’s side is one of these people. She is causing untold damage to my grandchildren, especially the youngest,, who is nine. We have pointed this out in court, but both the mother and granny lie in court, even under oath! What do you do with people like that!? I very rarely feel angry, but when I see my grandson, in particular, so distressed, it does make my blood boil. People like her shouldn’t be allowed access to vulnerable children. Sorry – I shall get off of my soapbox now. Xx πŸ˜”πŸ’™πŸ₯€πŸ’œ

    • No need to get off your soapbox for me! I love messages delivered from soapboxes. They are the most passionate!!! Maybe you should start recording them???? Put your phone on record? Then you’d have some evidence.
      Hope you had a great weekend. We are celebrating Memorial Day here!

      • Thanks, Chuck. Unfortunately, the damage granny is doing to my grandchildren takes place in their mother or granny’s house when neither my son or I are present. I wish it were that easy, though.

        I didn’t realise it was Memorial Day there. Hope it all goes well. Hoping you have a lovely weekend, too, my friend. Xx πŸ€—πŸŒΌπŸ’žπŸ˜˜

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