Posts tagged ‘stream’

November 9, 2015

Morning Haiku and Waka – Stream

by Georgia


from the Earth
streams new clear waters
hidden life

stream of thought
bears visions of new worlds
a flock of geese

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November 4, 2014

Stream of Love

by Venkat


where is the stream of love?
on the ravine we course through
of dried stones underneath
growing rough from smooth

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February 6, 2013

Dog called Jack.

by journeyintopoetry

Limerick Time!!


There once was a dog called Jack
who hadn’t a bad bone in his back.
He stood there like lead
while the cats stole his bed
and then slept on a piece of old sack.

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July 21, 2012

A walk in the woods

by Karen

Woodland near where I live. Copyrighted to Karen Payze

It was not long ago
that I walked that well-worn path

in my favourite neck of the woods

When I came across
a place I had ne’er seen before

A tinkling of water
sounded through the dense leaves

of the dark and gloomy place


I followed that sound ‘

till I came upon

a clearing

A stream, crystal
clear, bubbled along

and down o’er a small waterfall

the water so cool

so fresh

so inviting

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