the brutality of world

by Harry

Submitted by kratik lodha


(A child talk to her mother and she is showing the brutality of world…along with some hope that everything will be fine…..)
(Then the child write this one.)
World where the mans are standing with their sniper,
I turned to my mom and just playing the piper;

All are here to dominate their power and pride,
But they don’t know they are making this world elide;

When i look in her eyes she leaves me in surprise,
That how can anyone be so patiently wise;

She said…..
When our shadows are taller than our souls,
It ia time to give a hang on our goals;;

The time is passing and it will persist,
And you can’t hold it by quenching the fist;

But the morning will arise having a new trust,
Putting all the way down that old ill dusk;

When i look in her eyes she leaves me in surprise,
That how can anyone be so patiently wise;

And she said….
Give a stop to the thought that makes you ill,
And why don’t take some rest in field of daffodil;;

When i got to the door of heaven,
There I hear symphony of bethoveen;

There I see how people are bound to freedom,
and still they can’t do escape their boredom;

When i look in her eyes she leaves me in surprise,
That how can anyone be so patiently wise;

So she said….
Take a chord as long and make a piece,
If you don’t know then just try atleast;;
Coz’ this will give you what you are looking for……..;;;

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