Broken Branches

by mkvecchitto


And on this day, we acquiesce

on our knees and in our hearts

as times of sorrow, bitter and precise, coalesce

Endings strangle slowly in fits and false starts

Some fail, others hesitate in these dark times

A few brave men offer a mischievous nod to false obedience

Each individual war is over as the final bell chimes

All pay the price as they pray to paper gods for expedience

How these days lurk, laden with the desperate laying alms

Trying to feed this insatiable beast, a lost cause

Inadequacies and pride more destructive than bombs

Peace out of reach for those that failed to pause

A moment to consider the paths to resolution

would have quieted these drums of dissolution


prompts: Hourly Prompts, #TastyPoem, WordPress Daily Post, Three Word Wednesday

2 Comments to “Broken Branches”

  1. Loved the “Pray to paper gods” line! Very deep and insightful!!

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