Mother’s Day

by mkvecchitto

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A special vocation received

as one life is given and

another is forever changed

A truer bond does not exist

Anticipation marks the beginning of this journey

that somehow transcends even death

The relationship between mother and child,

timeless and unending, reaches beyond the farthest stars

Sometimes fraught with trials, tribulation, and fear

Sometimes celebrated in glory, pride, and accomplishment

A mother’s love knows no bounds

A child’s love of mother knows no end

She is the rock upon which foundations are built

and the canvas on which masterpieces are painted

She is the melody that carries each tune

that every child sings in her honor

photo: mine

7 Comments to “Mother’s Day”

  1. Wow… Absolutely beautiful. Love this. Thanks for sharing on the special day to honor mothers!!

  2. My how mothering ages; that picture of myself, on here, is about a month or so old – my son took that picture from his room

  3. Such beautiful words about a most beautiful and lovely subject! Very well written!

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