Outside My Room

by Tiffany Layne

The birds arrived when the branches were still bare,
Yet with faith, they built their nests up there,
In the highest limbs of that big ole tree,
Out my back window where I could see
The majesty of Heaven unfolding on Earth
In the nesting and hatching of these new baby birds.

Clouds loomed and rains poured day after day.
I started to wonder if they’d be okay…
They looked so tiny and fragile up there all alone,
But really they were guarded, protected, and strong!
Mighty, and steadfast,
They weathered the storms!

Then in just one night, everything changed.
Bright green leaves errupted
It was the coming of Spring.
Sunshine beamed down, flowers bloomed,
A brand new world came to life
Outside my room!

©2015 Tiffany Prestridge

©2015 Tiffany Prestridge

3 Comments to “Outside My Room”

  1. You mean to say that creature on the branch is a bird; wonderful write, as always…?!

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