Epics of Mystery

by Mira Jay

“Flowing Dreams” Painting by Glen Tarnowski

A Wizard; who else you could be!

Knocking my Gate from behind the seventh Sea

Whispering no word yet weaving ages: Epics of Mystery

A Goddess in the Lost Land of Eden; me, you paint

When I’m no Goddess not even a kin of a Saint

An Angel destined to sprinkle blesses over the homeless

When I’m broken-winged and only my chains are chain-less

Dressing me the shimmering armor of a Warrior of Light

When I’m a war-announcer only when myself is the one to fight

Sculpturing me a statue of wisdom

When my pilgrimage fails reaching the outer walls of its kingdom

Wedding me to the altar of Peace

When even my every fiber aches to be a whole piece

Worshipping me as a Savior of fallen Fate

When I’m the first fallen scripted on its plate

A Wizard; who else you could be!

Knocking my Gate from behind the seventh Sea

Whispering no word yet weaving ages: Epics of Mystery

Ask no seasoning of a bee weeping an empty hive

I’m just a Mermaid whose tail isn’t strong enough to cross Winter-deep alive

Ask no pollen of a Lillie raped through a storm and scared again to yield

I’m just a Fairy in short of Pixie-dust to roam the blooming Field

Ask no honey of sterile branches to birth fruits do ache

I’m just a Genie who sets free all’s dreams when hers are sentenced to the stake

A Wizard; who else you could be!

Knocking my Gate from behind the seventh Sea

Whispering no word yet weaving ages: Epics of Mystery

2012 © Mira Jay
Divine Rhythm

6 Comments to “Epics of Mystery”

  1. Lovely poem Mira Jay, i wish i could write a long one 🙂

  2. ask no honey of sterile branches…. a lovely phrase in a fine poem.

  3. see the feel of the mythological coming through, and agree with the, “ask no honey” line as well and like “i’m just a genie who sets free all’s dreams when hers are sentenced to the stake.”

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